Thursday, July 4, 2024


How can members of the "Boomers" generation evaluate whether they are evil or not? Answer 2 questions . . . First: Did you vote for Reagan in 1980? Second: With all you have learned and experienced since, do you regret that vote NOW? IF YOUR ANSWER FOR THE 1ST QUESTION WAS "YES", AND YOUR ANSWER TO THE 2ND QUESTION WAS "NO", YOU ARE DEFINITELY EVIL, WHETHER DUE TO IGNORANCE, OR CONSCIOUS, DELIBERATE INTENTIONALITY.

Saturday, February 4, 2023


The Mysterious Chinese Spy Balloon
Near The Solar Array Lies The Answer To The Secret
Under Extreme Magnification, The Origin Of The Mystery "Spy" Balloon is Revealed!
....................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... THESE FABULOUS BALLOONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FROM TEMU.COM AT A SUPER BUDGET PRICE -- TOO LOW TO MENTION HERE!

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Now null and void

The US Supreme Court, in a 6-3 vote, has ruled the US Constitution to be unconstitutional, and that the over 200-year-old document is now invalid. "It is now not worth the paper it is written on", said a joyous Justice Samuel Alito, as a beaming Justice Clarence Thomas stood nearby, nodding his head in support of the statement.

"The document was a chaotic mess of too much freedom, too many liberties, and was oppressive to the wealthy classes, who are America's true and intended rulers", said Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Only 3 Justices believed the once-revered document to still be legal.

The three dissenters in the case, Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, walked out of the court's latest session in shock, and had no statements to make at this time.

Now that the final decision has been rendered, the American people will have to become accustomed to living without the protections and structure provided by the Constitution. Justice Kavanaugh however, tried to be reassuring, as he stated, "Now, the American People will know true freedom for the first time".

Monday, October 15, 2018

The World's Most Advanced Mathematics Says 2+2 Does Not Actually Equal 4

                      This is considered a key part of the calculation. However, 
                  it is only one page out of 187!

The rarified, ultra-advanced college in Munich, Germany, the Fortgeschrittene Universität für Analytik und Megamathematik, has concluded through extremely complex and innovative calculations, that the simple arithmetic equation, 2+2, actually does not equal 4.

Other Universities around the world are trying to duplicate the Munich analysis at this time, although no final verification has been reached as of yet.

                    German Math Professor Wolfgang Danzer insists, 
                    "The numbers are correct. We have triple-checked 
                    all of our calculations and it adds up".

So, if 2+2 doesn't equal 4, then what does it equal?
Using the newest form of what is called, "Hyper-Mega-Mathematics", 
the answer arrived at is surprising, to say the least.

It turns out that 2+2 actually equals 13, according to this state-of-the-art
system of calculation.

                                              Old Knowledge
                               Still think 2+2=4?   Not any more.

Some people will undoubtedly be skeptical. However, the Fortgeschrittene Universität für Analytik und Megamathematik is universally respected, and their findings in other areas of Mega-Mathematics have been praised as furthering the range of human knowledge.

                   The Fortgeschrittene Universität für Analytik und                                             Megamathematik of Munich, is considered to be 
                   working at the apex of human knowledge, and as an                                         academic institution, is revered worldwide.

Not to worry, however. The "old" arithmetic of 2+2=4 is still usable in everyday life, so you won't need to apply for a course in Hyper-Mega-Mathematics 
just yet. 
The new equation and math system is for cutting-edge science only.

                      Have no fear----"Hyper-Mega-Math" will not be taught in 
                      regular schools in any foreseeable future.

Professor Wolfgang Danzer assures us, "This new Math will help open up new fields of science to calculations on a level never seen before, expanding human awareness beyond anything we can dream of now."

The new, corrected Hyper-Mega-Math equation of 2+2=13 and its 
offshoots are said to be ideally suited to calculating things that never 
could be calculated before.
These include the musical tastes of quasars, whether a proton is "male" or "female", how to tell if a black hole is "smiling" inside, or how much a hyper-charged sub-atomic particle likes pepperoni pizza.

"Hyper-Mega Mathematics will open up entire new universes of knowledge", according to Professor Danzer, and "human life will be forever changed.
The concept of 2+2=13 will lead humankind to a great leap forward." 

                                         Great Leap Forward

For Professor Danzer of the Fortgeschrittene Universität für Analytik und Megamathematik, there will be no resting on laurels.
"Our next project for Hyper-Mega-Math may actually show that water is not wet, although we haven't done the calculations yet, so it may indeed still turn out to be wet after all. But we shall see."

Monday, August 13, 2018

Brutal ICE Crackdown on Undocumented Scandinavian Immigrants Intensifies

13-year old Tore Gudmenson
who was badly beaten after he was separated from his parents
and locked in a crowded cell.

"Why do they hate us? Is it because we come from a Scandinavian country? Or is it just because we are blonde and blue-eyed?"
Janel Nilsson, 
undocumented Swedish immigrant, 
now in detention.

The well-known recent ICE crackdown on illegal European and Scandinavian immigrants
has reached levels of intensity that are shocking even to 
some supporters of the agency.

All over America, undocumented Scandinavian immigrants are being rounded-up, sometimes strip-searched, and then hauled away after being arrested for lacking either proof of residency or citizenship in the US. Parents are being separated from children by the hundreds, and children are being locked up in cells under inadequate, or even, as some say, cruel conditions.

Undocumented Immigrants from the countries of Sweden, 
Denmark, Norway, Finland, The Netherlands, and even, ironically, Iceland, 
are seen as being especially targeted. As a result, critics of ICE have 
accused The Agency of waging a "war on Scandinavian Immigrants."

The photo-essay below documents the plight, and some of the words, of a few of these immigrants, who came to America only to find work, or safety, or freedom from painful, oppressive aspects and institutions of their home countries like Single-payer healthcare, high wages and free education. Nearly all of them had never had any run-in with American Law Enforcement since arriving here to start new lives in this country, 
albeit without Official Sanction.

This Swedish illegal immigrant woman, identified only as, "Krista", 
was severely beaten after her infant daughter was hauled away by officers. 
She is currently incarcerated in an unknown location.

                                                                              Freja Vestergaard, a Danish
                              illegal immigrant working as a bank-teller, is taken from her 
                              workplace, and partially stripped for search, by ICE officers.
                              During her arrest, she was ridiculed and laughingly 
                              called, "Goldilocks" as she was handcuffed.

                                                      Katrin Jónsdóttir, originally from Iceland,
                          Is roughly handled as she is taken by Ice officers in Cleveland. One officer 
                          tries to discourage the photographer. Just prior, he was heard mocking her
                          nationality as she was handcuffed saying, "You won't be hearing any Bjork                                              music in that cell you're going to, Blondie".

                                      Rolfe Lehtonen, an undocumented alien from Finland
                                      working as a golf pro, is arrested and prepared for detention
                                      in an unspecified location.  Lehtonen complained of 
                                      being punched several times by ICE officers for no reason, 
                                      before he was taken away.

                                 Fashion-model-trainee Olga Svensson is hauled away by officer 
                                 after being snatched from her workplace by ICE officials.
                                 She was not even allowed to change her clothes.

                            With their parents being held in a distant location,
                            These 2 undocumented and unnamed Finnish children 
                            were held in a small cage for 12 days until being transferred 
                            to a temporary foster home, pending deportation.
                            Reportedly, officers felt sorry for the kids, and fed them
                            Finlandia cheese from a local deli as a special treat 
                            to keep their morale up.

                        This boy, identified only as, "Jonas" yells for water from his cell,
                        in which he had already been held for several weeks, 
                        and in his rare case, alone.

                              These 2 Dutch sisters (names legally withheld) 
                              attending public school in Des Moines, 
                              were taken from their junior high school 
                              during lunchtime and held 
                              in a separate location from their parents, 
                              who were processed some 200 miles away 
                              for no specified reason.

                                    Marta (last name withheld), after one of her many beatings
                                during her detention. "Kid's got a nasty mouth, she asks for it", 
                                said one of the guards at her facility.
                                She is still there after nearly 3 months, while her father, who is 
                                a crime suspect, and her only parent, is held for questioning.

                               Astrid Jonasson, who was brought to America from Sweden as a child,                                   but never pursued documentation, languishes in her cell, 
                               in which she lived for 5 months before deportation. 
                               "This is more depressing than you could imagine. 
                               And when I am sent back to Sweden, I will have no life there."

                            ICE officer Dick Pounder, adjusts his equipment before a raid
                               on a Swedish bakery. Says Dick, "Unfortunately, many of those 
                               delicious pastries are made by illegal hands. We are not racist---We are 
                               equal-opportunity incarcerators. Hey, it's those illegals who broke 
                               the law in the 1st place."

                          ICE officer Zack Trench prepares for a raid in Solvang, California,
                          sometimes referred to as, "Little Denmark" for its high Danish population,
                          and its allegedly large number of Danish Illegals working there.
                          "The fact we go after, and sometimes need to beat or 
                          rough-up defiant illegals with blonde hair 
                          shows we at ICE are not racist at all", says Trench.                       

                                      11-year old Danish girl Frida Jessen, taken in 
                                      the recent raid on Solvang, cries out for her mother,
                                      Mathilde, who was working illegally as a hotel manager,
                                      along with her husband, Gustav, when both were apprehended. 
                                      Fortunately, she was one of the lucky ones, and was only 
                                      separated from her parents for about 3 weeks.

                               Finnish undocumented immigrant, Elke Tikkanen:
                               "In 6 weeks I will have my hearing and probably be sent back 
                               to Finland, where I will be forced to participate in Finland's cruel
                               Single-Payer healthcare. Why is America refusing to give me asylum"?

                                 Cocktail waitress Sonya Hedberg is pressed to the ground 
                                 during a routine weapons search, after being taken 
                                 from her workplace at an upscale lounge in Chicago, as
                                 a crowd gathered nearby, filling the air with cries of, 
                                "Blondie, go home" and "Go back to Russia"!
                                 (Sonya was born in Sweden).
                                 Later, Sonya was quoted as saying, "These officers enjoyed 
                                 arresting me, I could tell. I know I broke American Law,
                                 but these officers are sadists."

                                 Icelander Gunnar Sturluson is taken to the police wagon 
                                 by officers. 
                                 Said Sturluson:
                                 "I understand I am here without proper papers, 
                                 but I am not an illegal person, because no one is an illegal person!"  
                                 Police suspicions were aroused by Gunnar's fair skin 
                                 and strawberry-blonde hair.

                                             How long can this go on?

                        Badge of honor,  or badge of horror ?                                          



Sunday, August 5, 2018

New CIA Chief Gina Haspel has Been Verified NOT To Be A Blood-Drinking Vampire


For weeks, both before and after Haspel's nomination to the post of CIA Chief, rumors
have swirled around Washington that Haspel, on previous assignment as head of interrogation for the bureau, actually drank the blood of prisoners tortured by the CIA at certain unspecified "black sites" around the globe. Additional rumors have circulated around the beltway related to whistleblower disclosures that Haspel "enjoyed the taste of human flesh", especially from torture victims she had personally interrogated. Although the charges of Vampirism have been found to have no basis in fact, the other rumors have not been disproven nor confirmed, although discoveries in Ms. Haspel's office 
do seem to bear out her unusual appetites.

It is now official----Blood tests confirm Gina Haspel is not a blood-drinking vampire.
Numerous reports that she sleeps in a taxpayer-bought 
luxury coffin have been verified, however. 

 Regarding the coffin, Haspel insists 
"It's just for comfort; It's not a necessity".

                                When asked by lawmakers if she has ever consumed human blood, 
                                her response was a blithe,
                               "Well, wouldn't you like to know", and 
                                "You need to stop watching those                                           
                                silly Bela Lugosi movies." 
                                In spite of her use of the Vulcan "Live long and prosper
                                hand-sign from Star Trek,
                                Shaken lawmakers refused to press her further.

                           Blood is drawn for Haspel's blood test which has exonerated her of                                         being a blood-drinking vampire. 
                           Still, some observers "have their doubts", said 
                           an unnamed government official.

                        Haspel, looking suddenly years younger and less gaunt than she had been 
                        just a few days earlier during her congressional appearance.
                        The sudden change in her appearance only stoked the rumors further.

                                                     Big-Government Box
                             This super-luxurious, high-end gold coffin, where Haspel sleeps
                             each night, was paid for by taxpayers.
                             The Bill: $666-Thousand dollars.
                             The numerical amount also raised suspicions, as well as enraging
                             taxpayers and taxation activists.
                             Anti-tax activist Grover Norquist was said to be "beside himself
                             with outrage over the purchase.


                                     Items such as this, found in a back-closet of her office, 
                                     also raised suspicions (read label closely), 
                                     as well as a deli-prepared human 
                                     body part found in her refrigerator (see below).

                                    Another disturbing find in Ms. Haspel's refrigerator. When 
                           questioned about the item by intelligence officials, Haspel responded 
                           sarcastically, "Maybe you ought to arrest singer Michael Franks 
                           for writing the song, 'Popsicle Toes', first." Intimidated agents
                           never broached the topic again in their questioning.

                      Haspel has acknowledged supervising torture sessions, and destroying 
                      evidence of dozens upon dozens of such sessions in a cover-up effort. 
                      US Officials insist, this is no problem, since concerns that Haspel 
                      was a blood-drinking vampire have been completely disproven.
                       As a result, Haspel will resume her duties without further questioning.

                      The concerns about her possible cannibalism have also been dismissed 
                      as a mere harmless "fetish", as is her propensity for sleeping in a coffin---- 
                      More specifically, a coffin with a cost of 2/3 of a million dollars 
                      to US taxpayers.

